Cardinal Vaughan Celebrates Oxbridge Offers 2024
We’re delighted to report that a total of 15 pupils have been offered places to study at Oxford and Cambridge in this year’s application round.
The offers mark the culmination of a huge amount of hard work from our successful applicants as well as the teachers who have supported them every step of the way, from arranging Open Days to guiding them through the famously rigorous Oxbridge application and interview process. This guidance includes the annual mock entrance interview event. The event sees applicants put through their paces by Oxbridge and Cambridge graduates drawn from Vaughan alumni and supporters of the school, all generously volunteering their time to share invaluable insights.
Mr Stubbings, Headmaster, comments: “The way in which the school prepares our Oxbridge candidates captures many of the reasons why Cardinal Vaughan is such a special place, highlighting as it does the dedication and expertise of our teaching staff as well as the support provided by the wider Vaughan community who give so generously of their time to help our current students. Getting into Oxford or Cambridge is a huge personal achievement and we congratulate all our successful applicants.”
Thank you to Ms Vernon-Powell, Teacher of English & Acting Head of Future Pathways, Ms Whelan, Associate Headteacher and Head of Upper School, and Mr Mooney, Teacher of History & Politics and Head of Upper Sixth, for their support throughout the process.