Cardinal Vaughan Memorial School

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Dr Sriskandarajah, Chief Executive of the NEF Speaks to the Sixth Form

Published Tuesday 8 October 2024 

Last Thursday morning, we had the pleasure of welcoming Dr Danny Sriskandarajah, current Chief Executive of the New Economics Foundation and former CEO of Oxfam GB to speak to our Sixth Form.

Dr Sriskandarajah delivered a fascinating talk using stories from key activists, such as Rosa Parks and Mahatma Gandhi, to highlight the power we have to make a wider difference through seemingly small decisions.

Speaking to the idea of local and individual actions making a big difference, students left feeling inspired and called to action to be a part of delivering a society that works for the many and not the few. 

Thank you to Dr Sriskandarajah for coming in to talk to our pupils. Power to the People: Use Your Voice, Change the World, his radical manifesto for change designed to inspire citizen action around the world, is available to buy now. Copies can be purchased here for those interested.