Foundation Day Mass
This Friday, the Vaughan will attend Foundation Day Mass at Westminster Cathedral.
Cardinal Vaughan first opened its doors to pupils on 21 September 1914. We celebrate our foundation on the third Friday of September every year with a Mass at the Cathedral. It is a joyous event for Cardinal Vaughan’s school to celebrate Mass together in Cardinal Vaughan’s Cathedral in the presence of the mortal remains of Cardinal Vaughan. This is also the only time in the academic year that the entire school is joined together under one roof.
So there is a lot to celebrate. In recognition of this, all pupils will have the morning off school and will meet in the piazza outside Westminster Cathedral at 1.30 pm to be registered in good time for Mass. They must attend Mass in full school uniform and will be dismissed from the Cathedral at approximately 3.30 pm.
It goes without saying that members of the Vaughan community are very welcome to attend.