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Local MP Congratulates "Speak Out" Challenge Winner Toby

Published Tuesday 8 October 2024

On Friday 4 October, we welcomed James Davies from Speakers Trust to talk to our Fourth and Fifth Form about Jack Petchey's "Speak Out" Challenge. Toby's winning speech from last year was shown on the screen before James spoke about how public speaking influenced Sir Jack Petchey's life and career. 

Joe Powell, MP for Kensington & Bayswater, also joined the assembly to talk about the importance of public speaking in many careers, such as his own. He spoke about his experiences with public speaking and how the skill helped him in his election campaign earlier this year.

Ms Drury, Assistant Head, commented: "The Jack Petchey 'Speak Out' programme provides an important opportunity for pupils to hone their oracy skills. Toby's winning speech- 'Kindness is Key'- exemplified our school motto: Amare et Servire. I am sure that his success will inspire current fourth form pupils taking part in the workshops this week."

Thank you to James and Joe for coming in to speak to our pupils. Our Fourth Form will be taking part in a workshop conducted by the team at the Jack Petchey Foundation on Monday, which they are looking forward to even more now! Thank you also to Ms Drury for organising these valuable workshops for our pupils.