Cardinal Vaughan Memorial School

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Meet Rhys the well-being dog

We have many well-being initiatives for our pupils here at the Vaughan – including Rhys the Well-being dog.
Rhys – who is owned by Mr. Christian, English Teacher & Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead - currently visits the school twice a week. It has been proven that dogs help pupils relax when they might feel stressed about something, and on the days he’s in, Rhys is ready and waiting to do just that. 
Mr. Christian, commented: ‘Rhys is a great lover of people and enjoys coming to school so much that he runs whenever he realises we are close by. He's a big hit with students because he exists outside the standard parameters of teaching and learning and, subsequently, students can have a bit of time out with him. I'm still not sure who has the most energy - Rhys or the students - but I do know for sure that students love Rhys as much as he does them.’