VCYM: Spaces Available
Founded in 1994, the Vaughan Centre for Young Musicians (VCYM) has given many hundreds of Primary school-aged boys a wonderful headstart with their music-making. During normal times, around 60 boys aged 8-11 (Years 4-6) from all across London gather at the Vaughan at 4.30 pm on Monday evening and spend two hours to study music, making new friends and enjoying music-making together.
We are living in extraordinary times just at the moment however, of course, and VCYM currently operates online, and has done with great success since April 2020.
Please read the information below about how VCYM normally operates and how it currently looks and then complete the application form if you would like to apply for your son to attend.
What is the Vaughan Centre for Young Musicians?
The Vaughan Centre for Young Musicians (VCYM), held from 4.30-6.30 pm, on ten Mondays each term offers Primary School age boys (ages 8-11) the opportunity to extend their music curriculum and receive specialist music tuition.
What does VCYM provide?
VCYM provides each boy who attends with one instrumental lesson (either individual or in a pair/group for beginners on certain instruments) lasting between twenty and thirty minutes. Instruments offered are Piano, Violin, Viola, Cello, Double Bass, Flute, Oboe, Clarinet, Saxophone, Trumpet, French Horn, Trombone & Classical Guitar. Boys are provided with instruments on which to learn. The remaining time is spent in musicianship classes, where the boys play in an orchestra, sing in a choir, use music technology, receive aural and rhythmic training and composing lessons. At the end of each term there is an informal concert where the boys perform. Reports are written twice a year (at Christmas and Summer).
How much does it cost?
When operating normally, VCYM currently costs £32 per session, £320 per term, invoiced termly and payable in advance. Please see below for charges during this period of lockdown and social distancing.
How to apply
Please complete the below form. You will be contacted by Miss Watkins, Music Adminstrator, with a date and time for the online audition which will be with Mr Price, Director of Music at the Vaughan.
VCYM During Lockdown
The details above of course refer to how VCYM operates in normal times. Since April 2020 VCYM has operated online, offering individual 30 minute instrumental lessons and 30 minute shared music theory lessons. Individual lessons have been charged at £21 per half hour and the theory session costs £10.50 per half hour. All boys are expected to learn an instrument - the theory lesson is optional.
In applying now you are applying for online lessons to start with, although VCYM will restart fully, meeting on Monday evenings, as very soon as possible.
If you have any questions please contact Tanya Watkins on
Spaces Available & Apply
We currently have spaces for trumpet, trombone and flute. If you are interested, please apply here: If these are not your instrument, please do not apply as we are already at capacity.