Cardinal Vaughan Memorial School

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Prayer and Liturgy

School Prayer

Thanks be to you, my Lord Jesus Christ,

for all the benefits and blessings which you have given to me,

for all the pains and insults which you have borne for me.

O most merciful redeemer, friend, and brother,

may I know you more clearly,

love you more dearly,

and follow you more nearly.


The school chapel opened on 19 January 1915 and remains at the heart of life at the Vaughan. Pupils and staff use the chapel for private as well as group worship, where our pupils can come together to pray and reflect. The Chapel was decorated by Old Vaughanian Thomas Seadon, with life size paintings of Blessed Thomas More and Blessed John Fisher (later canonised) who were patrons of the School.

Pupils in the First to Fifth Forms, attend Mass on Wednesdays and Fridays in rotation. Mass is celebrated  on Wednesdays by visiting diocesan priests and on Fridays, by our School Chaplain, Monsignor Reader. There is a weekly Mass for Sixth Form pupils in rotation, celebrated by Monsignor Reader. 

Opportunities for prayer are offered in accordance with the liturgical calendar. Pupils in the Lower School attend Mass for Holy Days of Obligation and certain Feast Days at our local parish church, Our Lady of Victories, Kensington High Street. Our Advent Carol Service also takes place in the church each year.

Pupils at the Vaughan also attend Mass at Westminster Cathedral, built by Cardinal Vaughan himself, on our Foundation Day in September, and in June on the Feast Day of Saint John Southworth. 

Core RE

Religious Education is at the core of our curriculum from the Lower School through to the Sixth Form. Our Lower and Upper Sixth Form pupils attend a weekly Core RE lecture programme that focuses on important subjects each week to foster faith at the school and encourage theological debates at a deeper level.

Liturgical Calendar 


Every day of Advent, we shared a video displaying the ways we celebrate our faith here at Cardinal Vaughan. Our digital Advent calendar offers a daily opportunity to pause, reflect and pray, as well as celebrate our school motto of Love & Service. You can view our 2024 Advent reflections here.


Throughout Holy Week, we follow Jesus on the way of the cross with a selection of readings and reflections from our School Chapel. Our Lenten Devotions remind us of the significance of Christ’s sacrifice and forgiveness at the crucifixion and his continuing presence in our lives to guide us. You can view our 2024 Lenten Devotions here.


During May, the month of Mary, our First Form Worship Reps gather in the School Chapel to honour the Blessed Mother Mary with the devotion of the Rosary. Our Worship Reps meet every Wednesday throughout the month to pray together and reflect on the Glorious Mysteries of the Holy Rosary.

Staff and pupils are welcome to join us at school and we encourage our community to pray at home. Thank you Douglas C, Alban T, John B, Leo E, Nicholas C W, Matas S, Philip S, and Noah A for the important role you play in Catholic Life at the Vaughan. 

In addition, on Friday 17 May, Vaughan alumnus, Very Rev Fr Toomey (OV 1989) led a Virtual Rosary for alumni across the world from the school's Chapel. Thank you to those who joined us online for a very special collective prayer session and to Fr Toomey for celebrating the Rosary. Those who could not join us online, can view the service here

Altar Servers

Becoming an Altar Server at the Vaughan is a privilege for our pupils, and we encourage them to engage in all aspects of Catholic life at the school from the First Form.

The main duties of a server are:

  1. To assist the Priest during the celebration of Mass, both in school and in Church, to ensure the smooth running of the Liturgy.
  2. They carry and/or collect the things needed at the altar, including carrying candles in the procession.
  3. They can also help prepare the altar, and the credence and offertory tables, before Mass begins.
  4. To help the congregation to pray by being a good role model and setting a good example.

The role fosters faith and plays an important role in the spiritual life of our Catholic school community. The servers are guided and supported in their role by our School Chaplain, Monsignor Reader.

Schola Cantorum

The Schola Cantorum is the liturgical choir of Cardinal Vaughan. Its principal duty is that of serving the liturgy of the school and the Schola sings each week at the Wednesday morning school Mass.

The Schola also has frequent external engagements and is heard in concert halls and churches all across the UK and further afield, including during Mass at Westminster Cathedral.