NQT Support & Services
NQT Appropriate Body – Services and Accreditation
The Cardinal Vaughan Memorial Teaching School has been approved as an Appropriate Body. This means that it can help support and accredit the NQT induction process for teachers starting on their induction year at a cost of £150 per candidate. For further details please contact: teachingschool@cvms.co.uk
NQT Support Programme for Secondary Schools
The support programme consists of ten sessions delivered over the year across three Teaching Schools Alliances: St Marylebone, West London Teaching School Alliance (WLTSA) and the RBTSA. The programme is designed to build upon and enhance the induction programme undertaken in the NQT’s school. During the coming year 2017-2018, the programme will again take place on a range of evenings from September to July. Candidates this year have graded the wide range of sessions from voice coaching to creativity in the classroom as outstanding. As part of the programme participants will also have the opportunity to visit other schools to help support their learning. The programme costs £150.
Individual NQT Support
Individual support programmes can also be provided for candidates within schools if required. For all enquires related to the NQT programmes on offer, please contact: teachingschool@cvms.co.uk