Cardinal Vaughan Memorial School

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We are part of and were instrumental in forming the Saint John Southworth Catholic Academy Trust (SJSCAT), a multi-academy trust in the Diocese of Westminster.

A Board of Directors governs the Trust and is legally responsible for our school and other schools in the Trust. The Board is the key decision-making body and has three core governance functions: ensuring clarity of Catholic vision, ethos and strategic direction; holding executive leaders to account for educational performance and ensuring money is well spent.

The Board has appointed a  Local Governing Body to conduct core governance functions in our school.  Local governors, appointed or elected from different parts of our school community, serve on our local governing body. The Chair of the Local Governing Body is Kate Griffin. To get in touch with the Chair, email or write to Kate Griffin at Cardinal Vaughan Memorial School, 89 Addison Road, London W14 8BZ.

The local governing body meets twice a term to conduct business. Some aspects of its work are carried out by sub-committees or by link governors who visit our schools to focus on particular areas.

Remit and Exercise of Functions

The powers, constitution and proceedings for the local governing body are set out formally in a Scheme of Delegation and Delegation Matrix.  The terms of reference for local governing body sub-committees and link governor roles show which responsibilities have been delegated by the local governing body and the names of those appointed to key positions.

Governance Documents

The Governance documents for the Saint John Southworth Catholic Academy Trust can be accessed from its website.

The terms upon which the school is funded are set out in a funding agreement with the Secretary of State for Education.

Register of Interests and Meeting Attendance

Register of Interests for the local governing body

Record of Meeting Attendance for local governors

Financial Reports

The Trust maintains accounting records and prepares an annual report and accounts in line with the Charity Commission's Statement of Recommended Practice (SORP) and Education and Skills Funding Agency (ESFA) Accounts Direction. Our reports and accounts will be published on the trust’s website by 31 January each year. Reports for previous years are shown in The Cardinal Vaughan Memorial School Academy Trust tab.

Meetings of the Local Governing Body

Once agreed, minutes of of local governing body meetings will appear here.

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    Serving as a Local Governor

    School governors are volunteers who make a significant contribution to education. It is a challenging and rewarding role which offers the opportunity to make a real difference to young people, to give something back and to use and develop skills in a new environment.

    Our local governors are appointed or elected from different parts of our school community.

    The next election for a parent local governor will be held in May 2028. The next election for a staff local governor will be held in December 2027. The clerk will write to parents and staff with information about the process. 

    Foundation local governors are appointed by the Bishop.  If you would like to serve as a foundation local governor, contact or to find out more use this link Diocese of Westminster.

    Cardinal Vaughan Memorial School Academy Trust

    We joined the Saint John Southworth Catholic Academy Trust on 1st September 2021. Before then, the school was a single academy trust. Please use these links to access information about governance before we joined Saint John Southworth.

    Annual Report and Financial Statements 2019-2020

    Annual Report and Financial Statements 2018-2019