Cardinal Vaughan Memorial School

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OV Challenge

Thank you to all the Old Vaughanians who took part in Mr Kelleher's challenge. Most of you replied North Wembley to the question 'Where was the Vaughan's original playing fields?'

As Chris Streeves pointed out on our Facebook page, the school did host Games near East Lane, now considered to be in Wembley. According to the official deeds, these fields were in Harrow on the Hill. The land boundaries were changed through the County Review Order in 1934. When the fields were originally acquired in 1920, the grounds were in Harrow on the Hill.

However, before this, according to first-hand accounts in the first annual Vaughan Magazine the Vaughan’s original playing field was “a fenced field at Wormhold Park - land which has since been built over”. Congratulations to Tony Dapre (OV) and Eamon Hammond (OV) for answering correctly!


Giving Day Statistics

Our Giving Day was such a success, thanks to our wonderful community. Here are some key statistics from the event.

Thank you to everyone for their support.


Giving Day Highlights




Total Raised

We are thrilled to update you all that we managed to raise a spectacular £55,000 for our Love & Service Fund during our Giving Day, well exceeding our initial £30,000 target.

We are proud to have such a committed community who continue to show so much support for the school, and we are incredibly grateful for everyone who got involved, whether donating directly to the Fund or spreading awareness about the day.

Events such as this would just not be possible without our community getting behind this in the way that they do.

On behalf of everyone at Cardinal Vaughan, we would like to sincerely thank our community.


A Message from Mr Stuubings, Headmaster



Thank You

Thank you so much to our community who have come together in support of Giving Day 2023. We have been overwhelmed with the community engagement online and the generosity of your donations. 

We are delighted to announce that we have exceeded our second target of £40,000 and we have very nearly raised £50,000 for the Love & Service Fund. We are still processing all our donations and we will be able to share with you the final total on Monday. We are so grateful to everyone.

The funds will go a long way in providing the pupils with resources and opportunities that will enrich their educational experience, and it is all thanks to you, our community. If you didn’t have a chance during the event, it’s not too late to make a gift and increase the total still further.

Thank you to everyone, it has been a day to remember.


To Be A Pilgrim on the Cello

So many of you loved the video of Lucas playing In My Life by The Beatles, so we have asked him to play another song that will resonate with our alumni; To Be A Pilgrim.



To Be A Pilgrim on the Organ

After taking part in the Organ challenge earlier today, Tom H-J (Lower Sixth) had the idea to play ‘To Be A Pilgrim’ on the organ in Addison Hall. We hope this brings back fond memories from your time at the Vaughan.



Eco Club Update

At Cardinal Vaughan, being environmentally responsible is very important to us. Our Eco Club regularly litter pick in the local area to promote sustainability in the wider community.

We wanted to incorporate this ethos into one of our Giving Day activities and challenge them to pick up as much litter in half an hour as possible, and they filled 4 whole bin bags!

Well done to the Eco Club and thank you to Ms Hellier for leading the group.


2 Hours Remaining

There are only 2 hours remaining in our online auction for pupils' art! This First Form collage could be yours.

Place your bids here.


Engineering Challenge Complete

Our engineering pupils have been busy over the last 36 hours creating thank you plaques for our challenge sponsors. Their challenge incorporated cross-disciplinary engineering techniques like sanding and varnishing the wood as well as using the laser cutter!

We are so pleased with how the pieces turned out. We hope you like them just as much as we do.

Well done to all of the pupils who helped make these special gifts and thank you to Ms Hellier, Head of Design Technology, for running the challenge and Mr Newton, DT Technician, for helping.

New Donor Challenge

We're so close to completing this challenge! Can 5 more new donors make a donation to unlock an extra £500 for Giving Day, kindly gifted by James Teatum (OV 99) and Lorraine Caley (current parents).


Row-a-thon Complete

We have successfully rowed 172 km, the equivalent distance to France and back. Thank you to Michael O (Second Form) who rowed the last 400 m and well done to Camille J (U6) who rowed the farthest.



Pupils across the Lower School took part in the keepy-uppy challenge in the gymnasium this morning.

Mr Murphy set pupils a challenge of reaching 40 keepy-uppys, and we're pleased to report that three pupils succeeded! Congratulations to Henry, Fourth Form (69), Jace, Second Form (77), and Guilio, Second Form (100).

As a one-off on the day, the winning pupil wanted to see what Mr Murphy could do live, and he managed 123. Well done to all that took part!


Team Vaughan Cross the Finishing Line

Team Vaughan have made it back to school together to celebrate our Giving Day event. What an achievement!

Our First Form pupils and Head Prefects awaited them at the gates with Mr Stubbings, Headmaster to celebrate their victory.

These challenges have been kindly sponsored by former parents, Tommy & Patricia James as well as current parent Dr Paul Thomas. Team Vaughan has unlocked an additional £2,500 for our Giving Day!

Congratulations to everyone and thank you to our community for supporting this event!

There is still time to donate to our Giving Day event. Thank you to all our community!




The organists were amazing and such a credit to the Music Department during the Organ challenge today.

Thank you to Alex (Fifth Form) this morning for also playing so beautifully at the Third Form Mass. We greatly appreciate Mr Evans and Mr Motely for their help with this Giving Day challenge.

Thank you to our community for all the support this week. Hopefully, we are now nearly at our new target of £40,000!


Mr Brett Update

Mr Brett is now over halfway through his Marathon for Giving Day 2023. We can’t thank him enough for his dedication and determination - it’s simply amazing and so inspiring for the pupils.

Follow here for his approximate arrival time for 12.15pm back at school.


Almost at Dover

We are still rowing this morning and on track to make it back to Dover before lunch today.

Well done to all the staff and pupils who have taken turns rowing to help us complete this challenge!


Target Reached

Thank you so much to our community who came together yesterday in support of Giving Day 2023. We have been overwhelmed with the community engagement online and the generosity of your donations.

We are delighted to announce that, with the continued support into the evening, we have exceeded our target of £30,000 and our current total for Giving Day now sits at £35,000 for the Love & Service Fund. So, with hours still to go, we have now set ourselves the challenge of reaching our new target of £40,000 by the end of the day!

We are proud to have such a committed community who continue to show so much support for the school, and we are incredibly grateful for everyone who got involved, whether donating directly to the Fund or spreading awareness about the cause.

The funds will go a long way in providing the pupils with resources and opportunities that will enrich their educational experience, and it is all thanks to you, our community. There is still time to donate here, and every donation means so much.

From all of us at Cardinal Vaughan, thank you so very much.


Community Run

Our community have gone above and beyond to support Cardinal Vaughan's Giving Day.

Mr Bailey has brought together current Sixth Form pupils Keeran S, Nathan D and Patrick R with a committed group of alumni to run between the schools in the Saint John Southworth Catholic Academy Trust.

They will also be joining Mr Brett and Ms Georgiakakis so that Team Vaughan can return to school together and celebrate the end of Giving Day.

Thank you to our alumni Shane Dolan (OV 2009), Liam White (OV 2011), Thomas Daborn (OV 2013), Kieran Moriarty (OV 2013), and William Whiteley (OV 2016) for taking part.

All of our runners have been promised first place in the lunch queue for Esther's Friday fish & chips.


Cycle to Windsor

This year, we are going the extra mile – quite literally!

Ms Georgiakakis has made it to Windsor Castle and will now begin her return to school! As part of our Giving Day, she will cycle a total of 46 miles to raise funds for Love & Service.

The entire Vaughan community is going above and beyond to challenge themselves this year, and we would be grateful if you would consider donating to show your support. You can make a donation here.


Always a Vaughanian

We have a strong sense of community at the Vaughan, and it is a testament to the bonds formed here that many of our alumni choose to return and become a part of our dedicated team.

Mr Brett (OV 2010 & Head of First Form) was taught by Mr Kelleher (OV 2001 & Head of Fourth Form) and Mr Lanigan (OV 1997 & Deputy Headteacher) during his time at the Vaughan. It is truly a full-circle journey of learning and leadership, showcasing the enduring spirit of the Vaughan community.

Along with the support of our pupils, Mr Kelleher and Mr Lanigan cheered Mr Brett on from the school gates as he left for his running challenge. We will be sharing messages of support from our community with Team Vaughan, so please send in your messages!


Day 2 of Giving Day

Day 2 of Cardinal Vaughan's Giving Day has started already with Mr Brett embarking on his run. Inspired by the community coming together at the Ealing Half Marathon, he has challenged himself to complete a full marathon in 4 hours 10 minutes.

Yesterday, we challenged the First Form to collectively match their Head of Year's marathon in Block Runs with Mr Bailey, and they exceeded this target with 61.4km!

We cheered on Mr Brett as he left the school this morning and look forward to celebrating his return where he will be accompanied by Ms Georgiakakis who is cycling to Windsor Castle and back, and Mr Bailey with the Sixth Form pupils and alumni taking part in the community run.

Thank you to the community for your support so far, and let's unite to make Day 2 of our Giving Day a success!



In My Life The Beatles

To end the day, we wanted to share this clip we filmed yesterday with Lower Sixth Form cellist, Lucas G, playing In My Life by The Beatles. It might be a song that many of our alumni fondly remember from their time at the school.

We hope you enjoy listening to Lucas, as we all reflect on what has been a wonderful day where we have all worked together as a community.

Thank you to Mr Price for accompanying Lucas on the piano.



Day 1 Update

We are delighted to announce that together as a community we have raised £29,000 at the end of Day 1! We are extremely grateful to have such a wonderful community that continues to support the school. Thank you to the alumni, parents, governors, and supporters who have generously donated and sponsored our challenges.

We still have 5 more challenges tomorrow including our community run with alumni and current pupils. In the spirit of Giving Day, we challenge you, our community, to continue donating to help us get to our target by the end of the event tomorrow. It would be wonderful if we could come together to reach this point.

Thank you so much and it has been wonderful to work together as a community. We have raised important funds for the school.


148 Donors

Thank you to the 148 donors who have contributed to our Giving Day. We are overwhelmed by the generosity and support that you have shown our school.

In the spirit of Giving Day, we are challenging you to help us reach a new target of 175 donors! Can you help us reach our target?

Thank you to our amazing community for all that you do for us.


Shakespeare Challenge

Our GCSE Drama Pupils will be participating in the Shakespeare Schools Festival later this month, so we challenged them to recite their favourite line. Ms Drury also recited her favourite line from when she played Viola. Bravo! 



Rowing Update

We have made it to France! 

We have successfully rowed the equivalent distance to Calais and are firmly on our way back. Thank you to all of the pupils and staff members who have taken turns on the rowing machines to help reach our target... Can we make it back before the end of Giving Day tomorrow?


Languages Challenge

To celebrate the languages spoken at Cardinal Vaughan, we challenged our pupils to make the sign of the cross in a different language. Our pupils spoke in Latin, Ancient Greek, Polish, Farsi, Japanese, and Italian, to share just a few. This Universal symbol of faith unites us all.



Help Us Unlock £1,500!

We are having an excellent Giving Day and have been so overwhelmed by the support of our community.

There are still some community challenges yet to be completed! Can you help us reach our targets and unlock our sponsorships?

If 20 new donors, 12 current parents, and 30 alumni donate, this would unlock an additional £1,500 for Love & Service.


Maths Countdown Challenge

30 seconds, six numbers; one target. Challenge complete. Thank you to our pupils and teachers who took part.

This unlocks a generous £500 donation from alumnus, Jonathan McManus.

Thank you to all those that have donated so far, and we are so grateful. There is still time to donate and please do consider supporting our campaign.


Flags Challenge

Our pupils went head-to-head with the Humanities department in recognising and naming flags. Well done to the joint winners of the quiz Colin M, Zac H, and George M (Fourth Form team), Xavier H-P (Second Form), and Mr Mooney (Head of Upper Sixth & Teacher of History and Politics). 

How many of these flags can you name at home? 


Half Way Through Giving Day

We’re at the halfway point of Giving Day! Thank you to everyone who has donated so far and supported us online. We hope you have enjoyed taking part at home and watching our pupils complete in-school challenges. There are many more challenges still to come.

Please consider donating to Love & Service here, it means a huge amount to our community.



Block Runs

Our First Form pupils have completed their Block Run with Mr Bailey. We challenged them to collectively match Mr Brett’s marathon tomorrow and they exceed the full 40 km! Well done to all First Form pupils involved. Let’s see if their Head of Year can complete his challenge tomorrow! Thank you to Ms Openibo and Sixth Form marshals for cheering on the runners.  


100 Donors

We have nearly reached 100 donors! Can 15 more donors help us reach our target and unlock £1,000 kindly donated by Deutsche Bank?


Row to France and Back

We are all set up with the rowing machines in Reception. Can our pupils row the cumulative distance of 172 km by the end of Giving Day tomorrow? Or, the real challenge, can they out-row Mr Cosgrove?


Always a Vaughanian

The support for Giving Day so far has been astounding; thank you.

My name is Mr Kelleher. As an Old Vaughanian who has taught at Cardinal Vaughan since 2006, I can attest to the inquisitive and tenacious spirit of our Vaughan community. With this in mind, I have been given the chance to set you a challenge.

Where was the Vaughan's original playing fields?

We have had a lot of responses, but none have been right so far! Submit your answer here.

The first respondent to answer the question correctly will receive a prize from the school’s Giving Day Engineering challenge.

Top tip: teachers are right to tell you not to trust Wikipedia!


Volleyball Challenge

Congratulations to our Upper Sixth Form pupils Aodhan B, Alex B, Alfie L, Christian I, Ben B, Alex B, Alejandro L, Helena S, and Mei S for winning the staff vs. pupil volleyball tournament this morning!

After finishing 2-2 in sets, a sudden death first to three points final set was played. The pupils came out on top in a thoroughly enjoyable morning of volleyball in the school gymnasium.

Well done to Mr Wessels, Mr Corominas Tarres, Mr Regan, Mr Cerda, Ms McGrath, Mr Mooney, Mr Lad, and Mr Murphy for representing staff!


Lightening Challenge Complete

We are pleased that we have completed our first Giving Day community challenge with a donation being made within the first 30 minutes of Giving Day. This has unlocked a £1,000 donation from an alumnus.

This is a great start to Giving Day 2023. Thank you all for your support.


Virtual Assembly

Today we have started our Giving Day with a virtual assembly for our community of alumni to join. Mr Stubbings, Headmaster, led the assembly followed by Second Form speakers Jonathan S, Jace R, and Xavier H-P sharing prayers for our community.

Accompanied by the Schola Cantorum, the assembly then sang our school hymn To Be a Pilgrim by John Bunyan, which alumni joined along with at home.

For international community members and those who could not join the meeting, we can share the recording of the meeting at your request.

Thank you to those who joined us today. It was lovely to see so many familiar faces and your continuous support of the school is really appreciated.



Giving Day Has Begun

It’s the start of our 36-hour fundraising marathon for Cardinal Vaughan’s second ever Giving Day. We will be sharing live updates throughout the day on our school website and social media platforms. We ask that you like and share our posts with the hashtags #CVMSGivingDay and #LoveandService and be sure to tag Cardinal Vaughan to be shared in our stories!



1 Week To Go

There is just one week to go until the start of Cardinal Vaughan's second Giving Day on Thursday 28 September! We will be sharing regular updates on our success throughout the 36 hours online so be sure to follow along on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter and support us by liking and sharing our posts with the hashtags #CVMSGivingDay and #LoveandService


Step Back into Your School Days

To launch Giving Day this year, we are hosting an assembly at school and we would like to invite our community to join virtually.

In this special Giving Day assembly led by the Headmaster, Mr Stubbings, our pupils will sing the school hymn, 'To Be a Pilgrim' by John Bunyan, accompanied by the Schola Cantorum. The assembly will finish with the First and Second Form sharing prayers for current pupils and alumni.

Friends of the school who have not already received an email with the link to the event, please contact to express your interest in attending.

We hope you will be able to join us for our first virtual assembly. This is a wonderful opportunity for the entire Vaughan community to come together.


Dates For Giving Day 2023 Announced

Our first Giving Day in 2022 was a huge success, raising £50,000. We are proud to have been the first state secondary school in the UK to adopt this new approach to fundraising and to host a Giving Day event. 

We are excited to announce that Cardinal Vaughan Giving Day will return later this month on Thursday 28th and Friday 29th June. 

If you are unable to participate on the day, you can still get involved. Please consider donating early using our 'Ways to Give' tab. 

Follow here for live updates on the day!


Thank you for all your support to Cardinal Vaughan Memorial School.

Donations can be made here

#CVMSGivingDay #LoveandService