Cardinal Vaughan Memorial School

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Florence Robinson, Head Girl delivers speech at Cardinal Vaughan community event

By Florence Robinson - Head Girl

I joined the Vaughan in the Sixth Form. And since then it has made a huge impression on my life and where I see myself in the future.

Most importantly, its commitment to Classics has allowed me to study Latin A-Level, something which would have been impossible had I not chosen the Vaughan.

The influence of the Classics extends far beyond the curriculum: I have written music for a Lower School production of the Odyssey; I have taught Latin at a local primary school; I have achieved a brand-new qualification in Ancient Greek.

Its music department is another reason why I chose the Vaughan. The most exciting project of my Lower Sixth was the school orchestra’s collaboration with the Southbank Sinfonia. This culminated in a joint performance in St John’s Smith Square, playing alongside professional musicians who were so generous with their patience and advice.

I have also greatly benefitted from practising on the Vaughan’s four organs (including one apparently played by Mozart). That the Vaughan has so many organs is almost laughable but it once again reveals the school’s dedication to mastery of academic disciplines, especially those not even attempted by so many other schools.

Earlier this year I received a conditional offer from Oxford University to study Classics alongside an organ scholarship. I certainly could not have achieved this without the Vaughan.

When I describe Cardinal Vaughan to external friends, they often say it sounds a bit like Hogwarts: the teachers wear gowns; it seems old-fashioned and out-of-this-world to refer to year 12 and 13 as Lower and Upper Sixth; maybe there is something magical about the schola trebles singing in unison.

However, for me, the essence of Cardinal Vaughan is ambition for its students and the school goes to great lengths in order to maintain excellence at all costs.

For further details about the applying for a place to study with us for Sixth Form, please click here.

We wanted to pay tribute to Florence who is not only balancing the challenges of preparing for her A-levels with her responsibilities as Head Girl, but also plays the organ at Lower School Mass, epitomising our values of Love and Service. Florence also played an important role delivering  a speech at a recent community event. Thank you Florence!  


 Head Boy Samuel Seyoum & Head Girl Florence Robinson