Inspection Reports
The School’s most recent OFSTED inspection took place in 2021, and we were delighted to be awarded Outstanding once again.
'Pupils grow and flourish in every way here. They are extremely proud to be part of this strong and caring school community. Leaders and staff have very high expectations for all pupils. They work together to help pupils develop into well-rounded individuals who love learning and achieve highly.'
You can read the 2021 OFSTED report here.
Click here for the 2006 OFSTED report.
Click here for the 2002 OFSTED report.
The School’s most recent Diocesan Section 48 inspection took place in 2024. Its main findings are:
- This outstanding Catholic school is committed to the formation of the human person, as evidenced by the comprehensive enrichment programme that supports the taught curriculum.
- The school’s motto, 'to love and serve', is lived out in the lives of pupils and staff.
- The provision for prayer and liturgy for pupils is outstanding.
- Excellent pupil achievement and examination results in religious education.
- The school works hard to create a vibrant community that is authentically Catholic as well as fully inclusive.
Click here for the 2024 Section 48 RE Inspection Report
Click here for the 2018 Section 48 RE Inspection Report
Click here for the 2013 Section 48 RE Inspection Report