Cardinal Vaughan Memorial School

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Trust Policies

The Trust website holds the following policies, which are applicable to our school: Safeguarding and Child Protection, Special Educational Needs and Disability, Appraisal, Capability, Complaints, Data Protection, Disciplinary, Equality, Financial Manual, Freedom of Information Publication Scheme, Grievance Resolution, Health and Safety, Information Security, Pensions Discretions (LGPS), Personal Emergency Evacuation Plans, Privacy Notices, Public Interest Disclosure (Whistleblowing), Quality Assurance, Sickness Absence.

School Policies

We are a Catholic community, committed in our Mission Statement to the vision of the School as a spiritual building whose cornerstone is Christ and whose foundations are the Apostles and Prophets. It follows that our community must be one of love, all of whose members honour the Christ they find in one another. Each person in the School, no matter what his or her worldly status, deserves to be treated with the respect and, indeed, reverence due to one created in the image of God and redeemed by the Precious Blood of Jesus Christ.

It is thus the responsibility of all members of the School, pupils, parents and teachers, to take swift and appropriate action when relationships in our community conspicuously fail to reflect these ideals. The following policy is commended as a series of concrete courses of actions to assist in this endeavour.

School Policies 2023-24

Equality Information & Objectives

Equality Information and Objectives

Other Policies, Plans & Documents

Statement on Radicalisation & Extreme Viewpoints

Educational Visits and School Journeys

The Accessibility Plan 

Pupil Premium

Children with health needs who cannot attend school policy

Freedom of Information Publication Scheme and Guide to information available from the Saint John Southworth Academy Trust and the School

Financial Reports

CVMS Accounts Annual Report and Financial Statements - 31 August 2017

CVMS Accounts Annual Report and Financial Statements - 31 August 2018

CVMS Accounts Annual Report and Financial Statements - 31 August 2019

CVMS Accounts Annual Report and Financial Statements - 31 August 2020

CVMS Accounts Annual Report and Financial Statements - 31 August 2021

School Visitor Guidance (incl. COVID-19 restrictions)

We are currently only allowing essential visitors to the school - if your visit is essential, then please ensure that you read our COVID-19 Visitor Guidance sheet, available below.

COVID-19 Visitor Guidance


Safeguarding Policy and Child Protection Procedures

Key Staff

Safeguarding Role


Contact Details

Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL)

Aaron Cosgrove

Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead

Patricia Foy

Lead Director Safeguarding

Mary Benton

Mental Health Lead

Aaron Cosgrove


Local Authority Designated Officer (LADO)



Aqualma Daniel


Bi-Borough Prevent Education Officer

Tina Bencik


Please feel free to raise any concerns directly with the named individuals at the School via the main switchboard: 0207 603 8478. If a member of staff is unavailable to speak to you at the time, please leave a contact number on which you may be reached.

The issue of safeguarding our young people is one which the School has always taken extremely seriously. Indeed, it is always a key item on the first Staff Professional Development Day of each academic year.

The following notes are based upon the statutory guidance for schools and colleges - Keeping Children Safe in Education (September 2023)

Safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children is defined for the purposes of this guidance as:

· protecting children from maltreatment;
· preventing impairment of children’s mental and physical health or development;
· ensuring that children grow up in circumstances consistent with the provision of safe and effective care;
· taking action to enable all children to have the best outcomes.

Should a child suffer significant harm, or be likely to do so, the School will do all it can to take action to protect him or her. Action will also be taken to promote the welfare of a child in need of additional support, even if he or she is not suffering harm or at immediate risk.

Safeguarding is not just about protecting children from deliberate harm, and includes (but is not restricted to) the following issues:

  • Pupils’ health and safety
  • Meeting the needs of pupils with medical conditions
  • Bullying (including cyberbullying)
  • Peer-on-peer abuse
  • Sexual harassment and violence 
  • Providing first aid
  • Children missing education
  • Fabricated or induced illness
  • Child missing from home or care
  • Drug and substance misuse
  • Child sexual exploitation (CSE)
  • Child criminal exploitation (CCE)
  • Educational visits
  • Domestic violence
  • Intimate care
  • Female genital mutilation (FGM)
  • Internet safety
  • Forced marriage
  • School security
  • Gangs and youth violence
  • Faith abuse
  • Gender based violence
  • Fabricated or induced illness
  • Racist abuse
  • Mental health
  • Harassment and discrimination
  • Use of physical intervention
  • Private fostering
  • Extremism & radicalisation
  • Youth produced sexual imagery (sexting)
  • Trafficking

Everyone who comes into contact with children and their families has a role to play in safeguarding children; school staff are particularly important as they are in a position to identify concerns early and provide help for children, thereby preventing concerns from escalating.

If any parent has any concerns about any of these areas, please feel free to raise such matters with either the named member of staff or with me directly.

P Stubbings

Privacy Notices

You can find all of our privacy notices here.

Please contact with any enquiries.