Cardinal Vaughan Memorial School

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The Vaughan Association

The Vaughan Association, an arm of the Saint John Southworth Foundation, works to advance the education of the pupils of Cardinal Vaughan, as well as provide extra-curricular facilities and pupil support to ensure young people develop their skills and talents to enable them to participate in society as mature and responsible adults.

The Association could not undertake the wide range of work that it does without the huge amount of support it receives from a wide range of people and organisations. I hope that these pages will give you some idea of the work undertaken by the various elements of the Association:

    The Vaughan Sports Association
    The Vaughan Music Association 
    The Old Vaughanians Association
    The Vaughan Parents Association

I would appeal to all of you to get involved in the life of the School and the Association. Come along and support the wide range of events being held each year. Whether it is a more formal event such as the Vaughan Association Dinner or Saturday morning football with the pupils, I can promise that it is always enjoyable. It is only by everyone working together and providing whatever help they can, be it financial or time, that we can continue to develop and provide the support which the School needs. 

Tony Mars

Charitable Objectives

1.    To advance the extra-curricular provision for pupils of Saint John Southworth Catholic Academy Trust by providing and assisting in the provision of facilities (not required to be provided by the Local Education Authority) for education at the School;

2.    The promotion of community participation through sport, music and the arts within the Greater London Area;

3.    To help young people develop their skills and talents enabling them to participate in society as mature and responsible adults; and

4.    To advance the education of the public, in particular, the pupils of the Saint John Southworth Catholic Academy Trust.